
Showing posts from June, 2019

Preview Kotei Final Write Up

Having finally gained some sleep after the Birmingham Grand Kotei I thought I would do a quick write up on some points concerning the final match between the Shogun (Erik Baalhuis) and the Crab (David Hoyland). Before I start a few caveats. For the final I was standing around a metre behind Erik so I was out of his sight line to the clock and hopefully not close enough to be a potential distraction to either player. This means that I heard nothing that was said - only the two players and the active judge have that knowledge. I was also typing live updates to the discord channel so would be looking down and furiously typing on the phone - again this could miss stuff especially as things would happen and I would guess what caused them and therefore could be wrong. Here is a practical example. At one point after a crab conflict I looked up and Yakamoro was being unbowed. I type an update along the lines of 'swh unbows Yak' when what probably happened was the Crab said,&#